Baby Blessing
With our focus on crafting blessing outfits with the finest finishing details and unbelievable softness, your sweet pea will be happy and comfortable throughout the ceremony, and look irresistible in the photos!

Greatest Blessing
Complete your beautiful baby's memorable day with one of our exquisitely-crafted outfits.
Baby Blessing
In celebrating the diversity of baby blessings across many different faiths and cultures, we look at the special occasion of baby blessings in the Latter-Day Saint church. Here you will find some suggestions for our boutique baby blessing outfits, boys blessing suits and LDS blessing dresses. We also will discuss some LDS baby blessing gift ideas for family and friends.
LDS Baby Blessing Age
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS Church) a baby blessing is a sacred and special occasion for family and friends to meet and give their special newborn a name, present them to family and friends, and most importantly, bless the child and their physical and spiritual well-being. This can be an opportunity for your child's family to present your special one in a baby blessing outfit, stressing the importance of this unique day.
- When should a child be blessed? There is no perfect time, but families tend to bless their child as early as 2 weeks old to as late as 4 months. The official church policy is that the baby has to be at least a week old.
The blessing is a fulfillment of the commandment given by the Doctrine and Covenants the scripture of divine revelations and inspired declarations from the Lord to the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint Movement, Joseph Smith. Though the naming and blessing of the child are considered not essential to salvation, they are especially important for both the child and family’s comfort, guidance, and encouragement. This personal day gives the opportunity to present your special one to family and friends in a beautiful baby blessing outfit.
Baby Blessing Ceremony
The blessing of children took place during the time of Christ, and it occurred in the early years of the restored LDS Church. This ordinance has developed into a regular practice followed by families and church members ever since. It is common to dress your newly born in a baby blessing outfit, one that can be passed down for generations to come.
- What is the purpose of a baby blessing? As one of the ordinances of the gospel, there are two purposes for the blessing of your special one within the church of the Latter-Day Saints (LDS). To begin with, it is to enter your special one’s name in the records of the Church. When a baby is blessed, a membership record is created for that person, listed as “A Child of Record,” and is counted in the statistics of the Church. Secondly, and most importantly, it is a special occasion to give your child a blessing and showcase the beauty of your new one. The blessing will be recorded in heaven, pronounced by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, thus influencing good in your child’s life. First and foremost, the naming and blessing of your special one is a commandment of God.
“In modern revelation, parents who are members of the Church and commanded to bring their children “before the church,” where the elders “are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name” (D&C 20:70) - Elder Dallin H. Oak
- Who can participate in a LDS baby blessing? It is up to the family of the child who to invite. It is common for siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, as well as close family friends, to be invited. As the average Mormon family size being larger than the national average, the occasion of a baby blessing can include a lot of people Those invited are there to celebrate your special newborn and bless them, giving you a chance to present him or her in a beautiful baby blessing outfit.
In conformity with revelation, only Melchizedek Priests may participate in the naming and blessing of your child. The blessing of your child usually occurred on the eighth day (“Eighth-Day Blessings), usually on a Sunday (or a fast Sunday). It is up to the family of the child who to invite. However, during the baby blessing ordinance itself, the family may choose to invite all family and specific visiting friends who are a part of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Mormon Baby Blessing
The day of your baby’s blessing is a very special occasion. And although it can be a very busy and stressful time planning not only the blessing itself but also the travels of family and friends, preparing for the actual day of blessing may help eliminate stress and allow you to focus on this sacred day for your special one. During the blessing itself, it is common to:
What to say in a LDS baby blessing?
- Address the Heavenly Father
- State the blessing is given by the leadership of the Melchizedek Priesthood
- Give your special one a name
- Give a priesthood blessing as the spirit directs, and
- Close in the name of Jesus Christ
Mormon Baby Blessing Gift Ideas
We hope that we can help you commemorate the blessing of your special one on this wonderful day with our special collection of baby blessing outfits. If you've any questions regarding our blessing outfits or LDS baby blessing gift ideas please reach out to us. We're happy to help!